Impact of Covid-19 on e-commerce-SP


Covid-19 for obvious reasons, affects every part of life. It badly affected the fabric of the society, global health, global environment and list to is too long to be discussed here. In this article we will be looking the effects of covid-19 on e-commerce and online shopping. Wherever, covid-19 goes it forced the lock down. Otherwise, it would be impossible to deal with this out break and its horrible consequences. As it would cause irretrievable loss in the form of life loss. Lockdown cease the retail business. Every one is supposed to do social distancing and staying at home. This gives a real push to online stores and e-commerce. Prior to this pandemic, growth of e-commerce depends on strong and steady growth of internet users and rising awareness related to online shopping, increasing online launching of products, low price due to bulk purchase and so on.

After the outbreak, the fear of covid-19, social distancing and non-availability of retail store due to lock down became a driving force for a major boost to the e- commerce. The effect of covid-19 is very evident as major e-commerce store amazon witness a gigantic spike in sales after the outbreak. Biggest retailer in America, Walmart gone through disruption in their retail business but sees 74% rise in its sales through e-commerce just in 1 month.

In a nutshell, the speed of digitalizing the retail would be multiplied with x after this pandemic. Covid-19 helps consumers to change the behavior towards online shopping. Huge number of consumers were reluctant towards online shopping. In a survey conducted by Forbes more people will opt to do online shopping after the pendemic especially in developing countries like Pakistan. And the whole plethora of opportunities will be open for the entrepreneurs as there are digital Marketing agencies in pakistan which helps to set up the e-commerce store.


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